How a global brand innovated to stay at the top of healthcare

Behavior Change, Cuture of Innovation, Organizational Agility

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Meet the Client

Healthcare Industry
130,000 Employees
United States
An established leader in the healthcare industry and a globally recognized brand.


Despite being a healthcare giant, this multinational company was facing rising competition from new medical technology companies around the world. The supply chain team needed to become agile and customer-centric in order to tighten key processes, move to market faster and stay ahead of the curve.


With ExperiencePoint’s guidance, the company decided to scale design-thinking training across the business. Two hundred supply chain executives took part in various ExperiencePoint workshops, which included interviewing people across the company to better understand the challenges teams faced. ExperiencePoint also trained select employees to become facilitators through the train-the-trainer program. Facilitators were able to guide their respective teams through all the steps of an innovation project. Employees across various teams began to embrace creative and agile behavior, and human-centered design became a standardized process for product development, testing and rollout.


ExperiencePoint’s training had a profound impact on the supply chain team. Within a few months, human-centered design became a regular part of the team’s everyday work. After seeing the supply chain team’s success, other departments completed ExperiencePoint’s training to improve their processes, find efficiencies and improve their speed to market.

“I was hooked on ExperiencePoint’s method, to be honest. The simplicity, the usability...I became a facilitator because I was that convinced by design thinking. I felt passionately about it.”

A Supply Chain Team Leader

Looking for more?

How Design Thinking and Organizational Agility Go Hand in Hand
Logo for ExperiencePoint's Train the Trainer program written in a modern font, with a yellow dot accent.
Facilitators change the world, one experience at a time