Build capability at scale to achieve your strategy
Enable your workforce with essential power skills and the right conditions
to support critical new behaviors
Behavior change at scale is hard. Here's your proven playbook:

Build Power Skills
By training your people through hands-on practice in low-risk, high-impact experiences, you’ll leave them excited to think, act and behave in new ways.

Create Conditions
By nudging your culture with the right systems, structures and incentives, you’ll encourage and support the adoption of new skills and habits.

Change Behavior
By developing in-house expertise with our train-the-trainer approach, you’ll establish a community of practice to sustain behavior change.
Skills and Conditions are the bridge between where you are and where you aspire to be
Your path to broad-scale culture change
When it comes to training hundreds or even thousands of people in human centered power skills, our proven approach to culture change is both fast and highly effective. Explore the various ways we’ve successfully rolled out training in the past:
Building a Customer-Centric Culture
An iconic brand built a global community of practice with more than 100 internal trainers to deliver training, support daily innovation work and spread enthusiasm for a new dynamic way of working. The impact has been widespread and includes the creation of dozens of innovative products and cost-saving initiatives.
Enabling Employee Empowerment
An insurance company scaled human-centered practices across 4,000 people in less than six months with a team of 20 internal trainers. New skills revitalized their culture and led to marked improvements in customer service, employee engagement and talent retention.
Infusing Human Centered Thinking into an Operational Efficiency Culture
A global technology giant certified 70 internal facilitators to build human-centered problem solving skills in more than 7,500 employees. In the last ten years, their people have gone on to lead change, resulting in significant and quantified cultural, operational and financial impact.
Creating a Culture of Innovation
A global healthcare leader certified more than 200 internal facilitators who subsequently trained more than 15,000 employees. From saving a hospital during the pandemic to innovating healthcare, the impact of training has transformed the organization’s work.
Why choose ExperiencePoint?
You can start today
Our turn-key workshops and proven processes for scaling new capabilities means that we can run as fast as you can.
You can rely on consistently outstanding outcomes
Our tech-driven workshops and facilitator support ensure your trainers – even those new to the concepts – consistently deliver exceptional experiences.
You can trust our support all the way
Our team is committed to your success. We’re here to guide and support your team of facilitators, coordinators, learners and key stakeholders throughout the entire journey.
Seeking the ideal training partner for your cultural transformation?
Tell us about your specific challenge and needs. We’re eager to help.