How Baker Tilly revamped customer service

Customer Centricity, Behavior Change

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Meet the Client

Financial Services
39,000 Employees
Chicago, United States
Baker Tilly is a leading tax and accounting firm and member of a worldwide network of business advisory firms with a combined revenue of $4 billion.


This leading tax and accounting firm had undergone significant growth after acquiring several smaller companies. The company hadn’t hosted an in-person event since pre-pandemic times and was eager to get people together to align on shared values for success. Leaders identified several goals that would help them realize the full value of their acquisitions, including ramping up customer-centricity and designing new offers that could provide differentiation in the market and set the company apart. 


Baker Tilly hosted a three-day, 3000-person event that brought together a range of cross-functional teams. Leaders identified winning behaviors and united people around shared organizational goals. Teams participated in Spark by ExperiencePoint™, an interactive series on human-centered design and change. They proceeded to apply newly acquired tools to real client work, deepening their understanding of customer needs and key industry drivers. Finally, teams identified new product opportunities and ways of working.


By the end of the event, the company had advanced its three key goals. They developed a plan to enhance client offerings, build longer-lasting, deeper client relationships with multiple touchpoints and design innovative solutions to stand out in the market. Participants left with a genuine understanding of company values and a clear path forward for developing new ideas while prioritizing customer-centricity. As a result of its success, the learning experience earned industry recognition from the Brandon Hall Awards.

Looking for more?

WATCH: Accelerating Business Impact: 3 Ways to Convert Learning into Lasting Results
3000 people
on values for success
Yellow logo for ExperiencePoint's workshop, Spark by ExperiencePoint™.
A collection of dynamic, interactive episodes that offer a deeper understanding of design thinking and leading change