Operating hospitals in the Greater New York area demands constant innovation amid fierce competition. Accustomed to navigating the aggressive market with top-tier patient care, this organization recently turned to service design tools and mindsets to set themselves apart even further. They enlisted ExperiencePoint to help build capability at scale and take their best-in-class patient care to the next level.
ExperiencePoint trained a dozen leaders, from Patient Experience to Organizational Effectiveness experts, to drive change. With coaching and Spark by ExperiencePointTM episodes, these catalysts built a system for new behaviors. This paved the way for two major design sprints enabled by ExperienceInnovationTM Apply, which aimed to find and convert patient insights into actionable opportunities. The first initiative prioritized improving Patient Access, while the second optimized the Ambulatory Surgery journey.
Engaging former and current patients, this organization extracted insights, identified opportunities and tested innovative ideas. Patient Access found they could reach more people with a proprietary approach to community outreach, while Ambulatory Surgery found ways to improve post-operative care—just two of many ideas that emerged. They left with a tangible plan to improve their patient care and catalysts enabled to run sprints independently.