How leaders brought customer-centricity to a food company

Cuture of Innovation, Customer Centricity

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Meet the Client

Consumer & Retail
276,000 Employees
United States
A global food and beverage company that generates over $90 billion USD in annual revenue.


A new CEO with a bold outlook envisioned a more customer-centric culture. He wanted leaders in Human Resources and Corporate Learning and Training to play a key role in inspiring customer-centric activity. Both departments needed to find innovative ways to refresh and enliven leadership engagement.


ExperiencePoint helped the company reframe their challenge from a human-centered perspective, focusing on leaders’ experiences, concerns and needs. Twenty employees took part in ExperienceInnovation™ Learn and 10 senior leaders completed ExperienceInnovation™ Apply, including the Head of Corporate Learning and Training and the Vice President of Human Resources. An extra day of customized training allowed for more testing and presentations to senior executives, including the Chief People Officer.


The company was able to create and implement a new leadership advancement and promotion program. Leaders became more empowered to take risks and to collaborate broadly across departments. The training inspired the U.S. CEO to effect a major structural change that had the Head of Corporate Learning and Training and the Vice President of HR report directly to him. Feeling agile and empowered, leaders were able to kickstart customer-centric activity throughout the organization.

Looking for more?

Why Human-Centered Design Is More Important Than Ever
10 leaders
to kickstart customer-centric activity
ExperienceInnovation™ | Learn text logo in collaboration with IDEO.
A skill-building workshop on the essentials of human-centered design and customer-centricity